On the threshold of a high sales season, Klima-Therm, general distributor and owner of the KAISAI brand, has decided to continue a nationwide radio campaign promoting air-conditioning equipment and heat pumps. The main objective of intensive advertising activities in major radio stations, carried out continuously for almost a year, is to strengthen the recognition of KAISAI products among individual customers and to increase sales.
The radio campaign of the KAISAI brand, launched in spring 2020 on Radio ZET and Antyradio, moved in August to radio stations belonging to the RMF FM Group, and there – due to its high effectiveness – will continue until January 2022. KAISAI sponsorship spots will be broadcast on RMF FM and RMF Classic – some of the most listened to radio stations in Poland.
– Intensive radio campaign allows us to reach a wide audience and guide them to solutions that improve the quality of life in closed spaces – at home or in the office. Both our air-conditioning systems and increasingly popular heat pumps are products from the group of economic devices, thus they are affordable for everyone and at the same time they improve comfort, especially in these days of remote work – comments Ewa Pilarska, Marketing and PR Director in Klima-Therm Group, and adds: – Due to the very positive reception of our previous promotional activities and their direct impact on sales, in the 2021/22 season we again focus on strengthening the recognition of the KAISAI brand in a medium with a wide reach, such as radio, redirecting the interest in our products to our network of authorised installers. As a result, we are securing a permanent advertising presence on air that will last for at least two years in total. Undoubtedly, this is one of the largest marketing projects carried out by Klima-Therm.
During the campaign on RMF FM and RMF Classic sponsorship spots are broadcast 7 days a week in different airwaves, preceding and ending selected programmes that are the most popular among listeners.